Hakusan International School

2005年4月に石川県小松市に、北陸初の“英語で学ぶ”本格的インターナショナルスクールとして開校。 海外でも通用する実力、自信を身につけ、世界を舞台に活躍できる自立した子供たちを育てます。

Competence / 実力 Confidence /自信 Independence /自立
About Our School
Hakusan International School is the only primary and secondary school in the region with English as the medium of instruction and administration.
We prepare young people to enter the world of the 21st century with competence, confidence, and independence.  Hakusan International School has full-time, part-time, and specialized programs focused on students aged five to fifteen.  We are independent of any national or religious affiliation, and welcome families of any background.
Please contact us if you would like more information, and if you would like to visit the school.

Information in English(英語)

当スクールでは、開校当初から 『21世紀型教育』と言われる探究型学習、体験型授業を取り入れ、受け身ではなく常に生徒主体の授業を行っています。


カテゴリ: Alumni News(同窓生)


Satoちゃんは中国 Shenzhen 在住ですが、Shenzhen での体験をテーマに書いた記事が3位に入賞し、この度、Shenzhen Satndard新聞に掲載されることになりました!


現在はQSI International School of Shekou に在学しながら、当スクールの通信教育プログラムを受講しています。






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Dear Mr.Elwell,

Here in Shenzhen, there is a company that publishes newspapers named Shenzhen Satndard. Shenzhen Standard allowed QSI students to have an opportunity to try to be published. The theme they gave us was "My Experiences in Shenzhen".

I wrote about going to the safari parks. I took a lot of pictures in my camera, but unfortunately, I clicked a button that erased every single picture and video.

Three or four men came to our assembly this morning to announce the winners. In the primary school, which is the 9s and 10s, I won the third place! I got a certificate, a coupon, and a t-shirt that says I love SZ. SZ stands for Shenzhen.

I am very happy, because I will be on the newspaper.


Sato Kamimura

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現在はQSI International School of Shekou 4th Gradeに在学しながら、当スクールの通信教育プログラムを受講しています。

Dear Mr.Elwell,

When I eat out, I like the buffet infront of my house the best because they serve food from many countries.

Tomorrow is the last day of school.

My class is going to have a party for the last 2 periods before school ends.

I am sad because I don't really like some of my classmates but I had a really good time until now.

I will also miss one of my best friend Zoe in my math class because she is going back to Taiwan and never come back.

At least I have her gmail address.

And I also have other friends.

For our class party, each of our classmates are supposed to bring some snack to share with our class.

I am going to bring some potato chips.

Today I gave my 3 best friends birthday presents and cards because their birthday if not today but it's in the holiday.

For Christmas, I will ask Santa to give me a new cute radio because I'm starting to understand more words in Chinese.


当スクールでも19日(月)からサマースクールが始まっていますが、QSI International School of Shekouに在学中のHaruちゃんは米国 サンフランシスコのスタンフォ-ド大学のサマーキャンプに参加、そして妹のSatoちゃんは在学中のインターナショナルスクールが主催するサマープログラムに参加し、二人ともとても有意義な時間を過ごせたようですね。♪



その内容からも二人がそれぞれのサマースクールでの素晴らしい体験を通して、また一段と成長したことが伺え 私たちもとてもうれしく思います。



I tried to send you my email through the hakusan homepage,but unfortunately, it was too heavy to send.

Last week, I went to Stanford University, in Sanfransisco .

I went to this computer camp And I learned about graphic designs.

I made a logo, business card, a flier, and a CD cover for a made up rock band we also made fun stuff and liquified people.

I liquified Will Smith and he became really ugly.

I will send you something that I made.

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Also, thank you for teaching me throughout this term.

I apreciate it and I will try to use it in the future.


Dear Mr.Elwell,

Thank you for teaching me.

This term, I have enjoyed writing, reading,and the comprehension as always.

This is my last week of summer school.

There are morning program and an afternoon program. The afternoon program is called Sports Camp.

In the morning program, first I have Chinese class.

Most of the people in my class stays in the home room for Language Arts class.

(On the first or second day of the summer school, our teacher gave a note to our
parents to ask if they wish their child to go to Chinese class or Language Arts class.

And most of the people chose to be in the Language Arts class.)

After Chinese class, it is math class.

For the math class, everyone will be in the classroom doing a packet.

For the math class, I am way ahead of the others. Then, we have recess for half an hour.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, after we go to recess, we will have a little snack time and then we will go to Art class for an hour.

But on other days, we eat snack and have a class called Flex.

In the Flex class, the teacher will think about anything we could do and we do that.

After that, we go to the Library class for half an hour.

Everyday we go back to our classroom at 12 o'clock for lunch.

Then, we get a little time to play after lunch.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we have Library class for our last period.

But on other days, we have the Flex class.

For the Sports camp, there are only 3 people out of 22 who is going to
Sports Camp.

In Sports camp, I am on the 9 years old and up group in the gym.

In Sports camp, there are 8 people from the QSI High School who is helping us.

They tell us what to do and we do that.

Sometimes (once a week), a taekwondo pro from Korea comes to teach us some of the skills of taekwondo.

But everybody doesn't like it when we have to do that.

At 3:00, we get to eat 2 or 3 pieces of watermelon or an chocolate ice cream everyday.

Everyone says that having watermelons or ice creams are the best part of the sports camp.

Some of the Korean people are sometimes mean to me but I don't mind because there are sometimes very nice to me but they do that all the time so I'm use to that.

Anyway, I am happy and am enjoying the Summer School and I am kind of sad that this week is the last week.

By the way, this week the gym that we use for the Sports camp is having
the floor fixed so we are going on a field trip every day!

Today I went to a place called Evergreen Park and I am going to go there again on

For Tuesday and Thursday, I am going to skate in an ice rink in a mall called Coastal City in front of my house.

On Wednesday, I will go to a swimming pool in an apartment called Coastal Rose Garden3.

Please check my work.

I hope you have a great summer vacation.




Makoto J. Elwell(17歳)は、当スクール全日制スクール中学部卒業生。

2007年8月、15歳の時に全米のハイスクールの中でも、グレートスクールとして上位にランキングするなど、高い評価を得ているアメリカ合衆国メーン州 Hall-Dale High Schoolの10th Grade(高校2年)編入テストを受験し合格。

各学年のTermの総合成績評価で、全教科ともに最高評価のストレート A を取得するなど、HONORS(成績優等学生)として特別昇進者クラスで活躍していました。

先日 6月12日(土)に卒業式があり、高校の課程を無事終了しました。


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Makoto J. Elwellは 6月末から数か月間日本で、大学の通信教育プログラムや北陸先端技術大学院大学(JAIST)のインターン生、またリサーチやプロジェクトなどに取り組み、それらの貴重な体験を活かしながら、来年ベイツ大学にアプライする予定です。

また、2007年3月まで、 全日制スクールで学び、その後兵庫県にある芦屋インターナショナルスクールに編入したHaruちゃん、Satoちゃん姉妹。

現在二人はお父様の転勤でこの3月から中国のQSI International School of Shekou5年生、3年生にそれぞれ在学しながら、当スクールの通信教育プログラムを受講しています。




Dear Mr. Elwell

Last Tuesday, I graduated from elementary school, and from August, I will be a middle-schooler.

I am very excited to be in middle school.

Thank you for teaching me through these years.

If you weren't my teacher, I would probably be flunking 5th grade, or at least,I will be in IE(which is something like ESL)

From Haru

Dear Mr.Elwell,

On the 16th of June, I finished the 8YO class.

Right now, I am in the summer school of my school.

I go to school at 8:45 and leave school at 5:00.

On the way to school, my friend is in the same bus so I always sit with her.

Most of the people in my class leaves school after lunch but only 1 girl and I go to the afternoon sports camp.

I became friends with that girl.

Every Friday, I get to go to a field trip. This week, I am going to go



当スクールで学んだ子どもたちが、日本だけではなく、世界に羽ばたいて活躍してくれることを 心から願っています☆

2007年3月まで、 全日制スクールで学び、その後兵庫県にある芦屋インターナショナルスクールに編入したHaruちゃん、Satoちゃん姉妹。

現在二人はお父様の転勤でこの3月から中国のQSI International School of Shekou 5年生、3年生にそれぞれ在学しながら、当スクールの通信教育プログラムを受講しています。

Satoちゃんからは先日行われたQSI International School of Shekouのプレゼンテーションについての様子やその時の写真、Haruちゃんからはクラスの様子などメールが届きました♪


Dear Mr.Elwell,

I wore a white dress, a gold belt, and a blue scarf for the presentation.

The thing I said was: Hello! My name is Cleopatra. I was born on 69 B.C.

I was the last person to rule Egypt. I was the queen of Egypt but I was

I once begged Julius Ceaser to protect me from my brother the king
because he was planning to murder me.

And he protected me. I died on August 12, 30 B.C. when I was 39 years old.

I made an asp feel so angry that it bit my arm.

I didn't do it in an accident. I did it on purpose.

After I died, Egypt became a Roman province.

The death marks the beginning of Roman era. I am Cleopatra.

Thank you for listening.

I said that I am Cleopatra twice because people might forget who I am because they were listening.

Please check my work.


I sent you a picture of the costume I wore.


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To Mr. Elwell

Is it warm in Komatsu?

It is pretty cool in the morning and hot in the afternoon here.

I think I remember all my friend's name in home room.

I'm starting to remember my other friend's name too.

In my home room,there are Koreans,Japanese, American, Chinese, Mexican,
Thai, French, South African, Taiwanese, and Hong Kong students.

It's really fun to talk about our own countries.

We once did a game where everybody tried to convince each other that their
country is the best country in the world.

Well, at the end no one was convinced anyway because they loved their

I really felt happy about Japan because mostly everything is clean and

I think Japanese people shouldbe more proud about their own country ; Japan.

Here is my work for this week. Please check it.

From Haru
