Hakusan International School

2005年4月に石川県小松市に、北陸初の“英語で学ぶ”本格的インターナショナルスクールとして開校。 海外でも通用する実力、自信を身につけ、世界を舞台に活躍できる自立した子供たちを育てます。

Competence / 実力 Confidence /自信 Independence /自立
About Our School
Hakusan International School is the only primary and secondary school in the region with English as the medium of instruction and administration.
We prepare young people to enter the world of the 21st century with competence, confidence, and independence.  Hakusan International School has full-time, part-time, and specialized programs focused on students aged five to fifteen.  We are independent of any national or religious affiliation, and welcome families of any background.
Please contact us if you would like more information, and if you would like to visit the school.

Information in English(英語)

当スクールでは、開校当初から 『21世紀型教育』と言われる探究型学習、体験型授業を取り入れ、受け身ではなく常に生徒主体の授業を行っています。


カテゴリ: Alumni News(同窓生)




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※Momokaちゃんの様子はMiss Ohyamaのブログもご覧下さい♪


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先週5月9日(土)に、 懐かしい同窓生 Shihoneちゃんが来校し、 全日制スクール土曜スクールアフタヌーンセッションの子供たちと楽しいひと時を過ごしました♪

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MEIを卒業後は、カナダのUniversity of the Fraser Valley (UFV)に進学し、彼女の目標だったメディア全般を専攻しています。


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先週の12日(土)に、 3人の懐かしい同窓生 Haruちゃん(15歳)Satoちゃん(12歳)姉妹,そしてYuくん(21歳)が来校し、春学期プレゼンテーションを参観したり、中・高校生特別セミナーに参加してくれました♪

HaruちゃんSatoちゃんは、2007年3月まで、全日制スクールに在籍、その後兵庫県にある芦屋インターナショナルスクールに編入、お父様の転勤で約4年間中国のQSI International School of Shekouに在学、そして今年から関西学院千里国際中等部・高等部7年生、9年生に在学しています☆



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2012年4月から短期編入学生として全日制スクール 幼稚園部に、エジプト出身のRadwaちゃん(5歳)、そして全日制スクール 小学部に在学していたエジプト出身のYehiaくん(7歳)は、現在エジプトの小学校に在学中です☆





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先日、昨年8月から1年間の予定で、アメリカ インディアナ州の高校に留学中のAyumiちゃんから、大変嬉しいメールが届きました♪




To Mr. Elwell,

Hello, Mr. Elwell.
It has been a long time no see you. How are you doing?
Time flies so fast and a half of my exchange year here in the United States already finished.

My host family is so nice and they are used to having exchange students, so they are so easy to get along with. I have a double placement sister from Germany and we are getting along with very well. I'm learning German from her. High school here is pretty hard. At the beginning of this year, I had a lot of hard time opening my locker or looking for classrooms in a short time. But now I'm used to it. The classes are interesting. I'm taking theology, math, English, choir, microbiology, and US history. Teachers and students are so nice and they helped me a lot. Theology is pretty hard for me since I'm neither christian nor Catholic, but my teacher always help me understand. All the classes are hard because of English but they are also so interesting. I study a lot and I now can sometimes get A on the tests. I'm so happy when I get A. I'm really enjoying learning a lot of stuffs in English.

I appreciate for all of your help and support. I really liked to go to your school. I am always looking forward to go there on Saturday. When I was in 9th grade, I started to go to your school. I really didn't have interest in English till then. At the beginng, I was kind of scared to go there because everything is in English and I could not understand most of what you said. But I learned little by little and I came to love English. I think the best thing about your school is that we can learn English by actually using English. Though I could hardly understand things, I really enjoyed learning English by using English.

We study English at school too. But most of the time it's only for exams. And they scarcely teach speaking English. They teach a lot about grammer, reading, and writing. But not really about speaking. So we do not really understand when to use, where to use, or how to use the words or phrases. So it was great opportunity for me to learn English by English. When I talked with teachers or when I was listening teachers talking or speaking, I was always thinking "I learned this phrase/word at school!" and it was the time when I really "learn" and get the English in myself.

I enjoyed these discoveries in your school a lot. Thanks to you, I really get easily used to the classes here. Of course I cannot understand everything, but I did not have any weird feeling for having classes in English even on the first day of school here. I think it's because I had your English class all in English and I am used to having classes in English. Everything I learned in your school helps me a lot. I really love English and your school.

Still I have some hard time but I will keep doing my best.

Thank you so much for helping me prepare for this year. I am really looking forward to seeing everyone in the school and learn English with you again. Please say hi to Mrs. Elwell, Miss Ohyama, and everyone in hakusan international school.


