当スクールでも19日(月)からサマースクールが始まっていますが、QSI International School of Shekouに在学中のHaruちゃんは米国 サンフランシスコのスタンフォ-ド大学のサマーキャンプに参加、そして妹のSatoちゃんは在学中のインターナショナルスクールが主催するサマープログラムに参加し、二人ともとても有意義な時間を過ごせたようですね。♪
その内容からも二人がそれぞれのサマースクールでの素晴らしい体験を通して、また一段と成長したことが伺え 私たちもとてもうれしく思います。
I tried to send you my email through the hakusan homepage,but unfortunately, it was too heavy to send.
Last week, I went to Stanford University, in Sanfransisco .
I went to this computer camp And I learned about graphic designs.
I made a logo, business card, a flier, and a CD cover for a made up rock band we also made fun stuff and liquified people.
I liquified Will Smith and he became really ugly.
I will send you something that I made.

I apreciate it and I will try to use it in the future.
Dear Mr.Elwell,
Thank you for teaching me.
This term, I have enjoyed writing, reading,and the comprehension as always.
This is my last week of summer school.
There are morning program and an afternoon program. The afternoon program is called Sports Camp.
In the morning program, first I have Chinese class.
Most of the people in my class stays in the home room for Language Arts class.
(On the first or second day of the summer school, our teacher gave a note to our
parents to ask if they wish their child to go to Chinese class or Language Arts class.
parents to ask if they wish their child to go to Chinese class or Language Arts class.
And most of the people chose to be in the Language Arts class.)
After Chinese class, it is math class.
For the math class, everyone will be in the classroom doing a packet.
For the math class, I am way ahead of the others. Then, we have recess for half an hour.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, after we go to recess, we will have a little snack time and then we will go to Art class for an hour.
But on other days, we eat snack and have a class called Flex.
In the Flex class, the teacher will think about anything we could do and we do that.
After that, we go to the Library class for half an hour.
Everyday we go back to our classroom at 12 o'clock for lunch.
Then, we get a little time to play after lunch.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we have Library class for our last period.
But on other days, we have the Flex class.
For the Sports camp, there are only 3 people out of 22 who is going to
Sports Camp.
Sports Camp.
In Sports camp, I am on the 9 years old and up group in the gym.
In Sports camp, there are 8 people from the QSI High School who is helping us.
They tell us what to do and we do that.
Sometimes (once a week), a taekwondo pro from Korea comes to teach us some of the skills of taekwondo.
But everybody doesn't like it when we have to do that.
At 3:00, we get to eat 2 or 3 pieces of watermelon or an chocolate ice cream everyday.
Everyone says that having watermelons or ice creams are the best part of the sports camp.
Some of the Korean people are sometimes mean to me but I don't mind because there are sometimes very nice to me but they do that all the time so I'm use to that.
Anyway, I am happy and am enjoying the Summer School and I am kind of sad that this week is the last week.
By the way, this week the gym that we use for the Sports camp is having
the floor fixed so we are going on a field trip every day!
the floor fixed so we are going on a field trip every day!
Today I went to a place called Evergreen Park and I am going to go there again on
For Tuesday and Thursday, I am going to skate in an ice rink in a mall called Coastal City in front of my house.
On Wednesday, I will go to a swimming pool in an apartment called Coastal Rose Garden3.
Please check my work.
I hope you have a great summer vacation.